Community Forum Addresses Immigrant & Youth Trauma In Long Beach

Oct. 7, 2014 / By

[Editor’s Note: On Oct. 1, community members and leaders convened to address, “What is trauma and why does it matter?” Attendees heard stories from residents and a panel discussion that included LBPD Chief Jim McDonnell, LBUSD Asst. Superintendent Tiffany Brown, LB Trauma & Recovery Center Director Dr. Bita Ghafoori and The Children’s Clinic CEO Dr. Elisa Nicholas.]

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Adalhi Montes

As a teenager, Adalhi began volunteering at many programs helping our communities become healthier and safer to provide resources to people in need. He was involved with Weed and Seed in Central Long Beach and is a youth mentor for the California Conference for Equality and Justice. Adalhi is also in the process of completing the neighborhood leadership program at the Advanced Organizing Institute and is studying Radio and television broadcasting at LBCC. In the future, he looks forward to joining the Marine Corps and continuing his education.