Vigil For Claudia Sanchez, Sept. 23

Sep. 18, 2015 / By

Claudia Sanchez is a 20-yr-old dishwasher at the Long Beach Renaissance Hotel who in late April collapsed and fell into a coma after working a
14-hour shift at the hotel. Claudia’s parents will share an update on their daughter’s health joining hotel workers, community, and clergy for a press conference and prayer vigil to pray for Claudia’s continued healing and call on the Renaissance Hotel to do the right thing.

Wednesday September 23rd 4:30pm

Prayer Vigil and Press Conference

Outside of Long Beach Renaissance Hotel

Meet on the corner of Pine and Ocean Boulevard


VoiceWaves is a Long Beach youth-led journalism and media-training project. The youth, ages 16-24, are learning to report, write, and create digital journalism content. Their reports will raise awareness of community health issues and activate change.