The Long Beach Community Database

Oct. 15, 2012 / By

The Long Beach Community Database was developed as a community service by ReThinking Greater Long Beach to provide a publicly available common set of statistical information about Long Beach, California, for those interested in making Long Beach a better place for all residents to live and work.

The primary purposes of this database are to provide:

  • Members of the community with a standard set of information about the City of Long Beach.
  • Information needed to insure that public and private community services can be focused on areas where they have the potential of doing the greatest good.
  • Information that can be used in carrying out program evaluation of various community programs and activities.
  • Decision makers with detailed information upon which decisions can be made to improve the quality of life of the Greater Long Beach area.
  • Information needed for the preparation of grant applications and proposals.
  • Data for researchers interested in studying the City of Long Beach.

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