Monthly Archives: May 2013

Documentary Profile of Artist Kevin Cornejo: El Pintor y El Paisaje

May. 1, 2013 / By
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A Marlo Custodio mini-documentary of artist Kevin Alejandro Cornejo. As college students, Cornejo’s parents journeyed from El Salvador during the Civil War in the 1980’s and begun a new life in San Jose, California...

Richmond Tales Fest Promotes Literacy

May. 1, 2013 / By

News Report • Malcolm Marshall

Civic Center Plaza provided a beautiful backdrop for the fourth annual Richmond Tales Fest on Saturday, April 20...

Aging Undocumented Immigrants – A Burden or a Boon?

May. 1, 2013 / By
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New America Media, News Analysis, Paul Kleyman

SAN FRANCISCO–As the debate over immigration reform tugs predictably back in Washington, an undercurrent of ageism and disability bias has been flowing beneath more obvious racial and class implications...

Immigration Reform: Who’s In and Who’s Out

May. 1, 2013 / By

New America Media, Commentary, Juan Rocha

In December of 2001, an unknown law professor named Barack Obama lectured on the Civil War Amendments (the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth) to his law school students at the University of Chicago.  ..

Queer Youth Radio: Exploring Poly Relationships

May. 1, 2013 / By
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What is polyamory and why is significant to young LGBTQ folks in Long Beach?

After a facilitated workshop by Los Angeles-based collective, Beautiful Struggle: The Open Hearts Project, youth in Long Beach got together to answer this question...