The family of a man shot to death by Long Beach police announced a $20 million lawsuit against the city Thursday and called for reforms within the police department...
Is it possible to confront neighborhood violence without police or public services? Hundreds of people gathered on Tuesday evening to explore this question and learn about the alternative approach commonly known as transformative justice.
At the opening reception, Snoop made a surprise call-in by phone and photographer Duke Givens recounted personal tales of his life with the famed rapper.
Since Oct. 2015, the free events have given patrons and community organizations the chance to share stories, culture, and insight as to what it is like living in another country.
I am a #YOUNGWORKER intends to entertain diverse audiences of all ages and hopes to raise awareness about the challenges that have historically and currently impact young workers.
The events allowed the mayor to share news about the city’s progress and gave residents the opportunity to share their concerns for the problems that remain.