Posts Tagged as "Community Health"

Trauma in Long Beach: All-Inclusive Resources for Victims

Oct. 1, 2014 / By
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Local organizations help trauma victims heal holistically.

Prevention Institute Leads Training for LB Youth

Jun. 13, 2012 / By
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It’s been widely said that children are our future, but that said, there are not enough programs working to prepare this generation to make effective change...

KEEN Launches Reporting System

May. 3, 2012 / By
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BAKERSFIELD–Community advocates and government agencies joined forces to launch the website that will allow community members and environmental advocates to report environmental and health hazards they see on May 1...

National Infant Immunization Week: Chicago Continues Push for Vaccinations

Apr. 25, 2012 / By
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New America Media, News Report, Alex Moe, Posted: Apr 24, 2012

CHICAGO – On the eve of National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), Chicago was awarded “Most Improved City” by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for reaching nearly a 75 percent vaccination rate for infants in 2011, representing a 7 percent increase over the previous year...