In less than a month, the residents of Long Beach will swear in their new mayor...
[Ed. Note] No matter who wins on June 3, for the first time since the 1980s in Long Beach the mayor will not be Caucasian...
Leadership Long Beach hosts an evening forum of the candidates seeking the citywide offices on Friday, March 28 at the CSU Chancellor’s Office, Dumke Auditorium, 401 Golden Shore, Long Beach 90802...
Over 50 residents gathered from all parts of Long Beach at the Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) on Sunday to see six of ten mayoral candidates speak on the critical issues currently affecting Latino residents...
At the last week’s debate, seven of ten mayoral candidates, fought for one chance to lead the City of Long Beach for the next four years...
While some community leaders have showed support after Mayor Bob Foster’s optimistic 2013 State of the City, some still have reservations about how firmly he patted his own back and those of city staffers during the speech...