Forum to Address Key Issues in Rural Communities

Oct. 4, 2012 / By

Many parts of the Eastern Coachella Valley, such as the Duroville mobile home park (shown above after the September 11 storm), lack basic infrastructure. The public is invited to attend a forum October 4 to discuss key concerns and issues facing the rural communities. PHOTO: Aurora Saldivar/Coachella Unincorporated

By Aurora Saldivar, Coachella Unincorporated

THERMAL, Calif. – Eastern Coachella Valley residents, leaders, organizations, and officials will gather tomorrow to discuss key issues surrounding their rural community at the Rural Forum on Sustainable Communities.

The forum will be held Thursday, October 4, at Desert Mirage High School, from 5 to 6:30 p.m.   The event is sponsored by Pueblo Unido Community Development Corporation and San Jose Community and Bea Main Learning Center.

Read more HERE


Coachella Unincorporated

Coachella Unincorporated is a Youth Media Startup in the East Coachella Valley, funded by the Building Healthy Communities Initiative of The California Endowment and operated by New America Media in San Francisco. The purpose of the project is to report on issues in the community that can bring about change. Coachella Unincorporated refers to the region youth journalists cover but also to the unincorporated communities of the Eastern Valley with the idea to “incorporate” the East Valley into the mainstream Coachella Valley mindset.