Piedmont High Students Talk About ‘Sex Fantasy League’ -Degrading Girls Is the Air Boys Breathe

Nov. 2, 2012 / By

New America Media, Commentary, Sean Shavers, Posted: Nov 01, 2012

Editor’s note: Students first names have been changed to protect them from possible repercussions from other students.

As a former student in Oakland’s public schools, I was shocked to hear about the “Fantasy Slut League” game at Piedmont High – one of the Bay Area’s most prestigious public high schools.

So I decided to visit the campus to talk with students and get their view.

The Fantasy Slut League was formed by a group of young male athletes to serve as a sex ring made up of female students who got ranked according to the sex acts they were willing to perform. While media reports focus on sexual promiscuity, the issue that bothered me most after talking with students was how boys were degrading girls, and still are.

Once on school grounds I approached Mike, a skinny, blond-haired, 16 year old student wearing a beanie who was eager to talk and who directed me to other students.

Read more HERE


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