‘El Hielo’: Music Video Inspires Immigrant Rights Activists, Goes Viral

Apr. 17, 2013 / By



New America Media, News Report, Valeria Fernández

PHOENIX — Two immigrant mothers stood outside the downtown Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office holding a sign that read, “They have a Dream.” The women stood in silence — they shouted no slogans and sang no chants. They didn’t need to. The lyrics to a song being performed live right in front of them told their story and that of so many others like them.

“El Hielo anda suelto por esas calles, nunca se sabe cuando nos va a tocar.” (ICE is on the loose out on the streets, you never know when your number’s up.)

With Congress on the cusp of renewing the conversation about federal immigration reform, local immigrant rights organizations in Arizona have begun using the song, “El Hielo” by the Los Angeles-based band La Santa Cecilia, to underscore their message to stop all deportations.

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