Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Summer Tennis Camp

Aug. 8, 2013 / By

For the past 13 years, the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition has provided the young residents of its low-income housing communities the opportunity to attend tennis camp at the prestigious Indian Wells Tennis Gardens.

In this video, Coachella Unincorporated shares a glimpse of what these young tennis enthusiasts have done twice a week for the past four weeks. Even the triple digit heat does not dampen their spirits on the court.

The Coachella Valley Housing Coalition helps low-income families improve their living conditions through advocacy, research, construction, and operation of housing and community development projects. CVHC has constructed nearly 4,000 homes and apartments for low-income households in Riverside County and Imperial County.

Digital Production by Aurora Saldivar and Ivan Delgado

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Coachella Unincorporated

Coachella Unincorporated is a Youth Media Startup in the East Coachella Valley, funded by the Building Healthy Communities Initiative of The California Endowment and operated by New America Media in San Francisco. The purpose of the project is to report on issues in the community that can bring about change. Coachella Unincorporated refers to the region youth journalists cover but also to the unincorporated communities of the Eastern Valley with the idea to “incorporate” the East Valley into the mainstream Coachella Valley mindset.