What is Your New Year’s Resolution?

Dec. 23, 2013 / By


By Daniel Jimenez for South Kern Sol

As the New Year approaches, many people start to think about a New Year’s resolution to improve their lives. Many see the New Year as a clean slate and therefore the time to make a positive change to their life.

I tend to look at my life and try to determine what I can do to make it run more smoothly.  I prepare for the New Year a few weeks before – Is there anything I need that will help me stick to my resolution? Will the excitement of a new pair of running shoes make me go to the gym? Can I read more to become better at something?

As a senior at CSUB who just landed a good job at Taft Union High School as a Peer Counselor, my New Year’s resolution is to be the best peer counselor I can be.  I will do this by preparing myself so that I can give the students I work with the best of me and motivate them to continue their education.

This year, South Kern Sol asked residents of this agricultural region: “What is your New Year’s Resolution?”

Read more at South Kern Sol
