As California pushes Sons and Brothers campaign, President Obama launches effort to support young men of color

Mar. 2, 2014 / By


Following through with his promise to adopt a new project focused on young men of color during his State of the Union address last month, President Obama will launch a new initiative Thursday to support the lives of a population disproportionately affected by poverty and prison.

Titled “My Brother’s Keeper,” the initiative will address how disparities faced by these young men negatively affect their success, and will test strategies to keep keep them in school and out of the criminal justice system. The Obama administration will also launch an internal evaluation process to identify successful programs.

Read more at Boyle Heights Beat




VoiceWaves is a Long Beach youth-led journalism and media-training project. The youth, ages 16-24, are learning to report, write, and create digital journalism content. Their reports will raise awareness of community health issues and activate change.