Roosevelt Elementary School March For Buses

Jun. 3, 2014 / By


When: Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 2:45pm

Where: Martin Luther King Park (1950 Lemon Ave., Long Beach, 90806)

What: Join parents, students and community members on their long walk home.

Why: Long Beach School District endangers safety of Roosevelt Elementary School students by refusing to provide buses during the reconstruction of the school.


Parents believe that:

1. The up to 4 miles a day is too far to walk for elementary school students, particularity in extreme weather.

2. Parents and students are forced to navigate Central Long Beach safety problems everyday along the journey.

3. Putting elementary school students on public transportation has been frustrating and expensive.

4. The district can use Measure K funds to provide buses during the reconstruction of Roosevelt.

Join us and talk to parents and students

about this ordeal inflicted on the Roosevelt community.

Contact: Joanna Diaz 562-533-4903

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VoiceWaves is a Long Beach youth-led journalism and media-training project. The youth, ages 16-24, are learning to report, write, and create digital journalism content. Their reports will raise awareness of community health issues and activate change.