United Cambodian Community 37th Anniversary Celebration

Oct. 6, 2014 / By

Senator Ricardo Lara and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia are to be Honored at the United Cambodian Community 37th Anniversary Celebration & Dinner Gala on October 10, 2014 at La Lune Imperial, 1458 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90813.

The United Cambodian Community (UCC) is celebrating its 37th Anniversary since its establishment in 1977. UCC was formed to assist in the resettlement of highly traumatized refugees from Cambodia. Today, UCC continues to serve the high needs in the Cambodian community through youth leadership development, health and mental health education and prevention, affordable health care enrollment, and community engagement. Last year, UCC served over 3,900 children, family, youth, adults and seniors. UCC supports the Cambodian people from a surviving community into a thriving community that are self-sufficient and productive members of society.

This annual event will recognize Senator Ricardo Lara for his efforts to distinguish the need of adequate care for Cambodians, the most recent ethnic group among Asian Americans to strive in mainstream America with post traumatic stress disorder from the genocide era. Mayor Robert Garcia is being recognized for empowering diverse leadership in the most diverse city population. They both will receive the community “Distinguished Service Award”. UCC will also recognize outstanding organizational and individual community service.

“Senator Lara and Mayor Garcia are our role models of civic leadership. They understand the hardship of refugees and immigrants community. They empower us to have voices by becoming our own advocates. We are grateful for their dedication and support” said, Sara Pol-Lim, Executive Director of United Cambodian Community.

This year event, UCC is honoring the past and celebrating the future by highlighting the beauty and spirit of Cambodia’s Golden Era, before the genocide, with classic entertainment from the 1960’s featuring performances by Long Sida and Sareth Som.

To reserve your space for the “37th Anniversary Gala” please call (562) 433-2490. The cost is $100 per person and $750 for a table at La Lune Imperial, 1458 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90813. All proceeds go to programs serving children, youth, families and seniors in the community. For more questions please contact United Cambodian Community, (562) 433-2490, 2201 East Anaheim Street, Suite 200, Long Beach, CA.



VoiceWaves is a Long Beach youth-led journalism and media-training project. The youth, ages 16-24, are learning to report, write, and create digital journalism content. Their reports will raise awareness of community health issues and activate change.