Beyond Longbeach

Death to Molly: Youth React to Rapper’s Anti-Drug Stance

Jun. 5, 2013 / By
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Photo: NRK P3

by We’Ced Youth Media

Editor’s Note: Kendrick Lamar, a young rapper from Compton, CA, recently broke into the mainstream with his critically and commercially successful debut album, good kid, m.A.A.d..

Deported U.S. Veterans Create Art on Border Wall

Jun. 5, 2013 / By
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El Tecolote, News Report, Laura Waxmann

Traducción al español

Editor’s Note: One of the amendments to the Senate’s immigration reform bill (Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.)..

1 Minute And 45 Seconds That’ll Make You Think Twice About Poverty

Jun. 5, 2013 / By
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Let’s dialogue on this.

In their new book, Confronting Suburban Poverty in America, co-authors Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube describe the recent rapid rise in suburban poverty and lay out a new metropolitan policy agenda that uses limited resources in more effective ways to create better connections between low-income residents and economic opportunity region-wide...

New Mecca Community Council Member Motivated by Family

Jun. 1, 2013 / By

JOHNNY FLORES, JR/Coachella Unincorporated

MECCA — Claudia Guevara was recently sworn in as a member of the Mecca Community Council, continuing her family’s tradition of making a difference in the unincorporated community they call home...

Librarian Layoffs Can Lead to Serious Consequences

Jun. 1, 2013 / By
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At a recent school board meeting, librarians around Sacramento found out some very disturbing news...

The high price of teen work: Teens pitch in to boost family income during tough times

Jun. 1, 2013 / By
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A typical school night for most teens may be made up of sports practice, dinner, homework and maybe a study session...