Posts Tagged as "Health"

Election Propels Obamacare Full Steam Ahead in California

Nov. 10, 2012 / By
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New America Media, Commentary, Spike Dolomite Ward , Posted: Nov 10, 2012

LOS ANGELES–Now that President Obama has won re-election, those with pre-existing conditions like myself won’t have to worry about losing our Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, young adults won’t have to worry about being kicked off their parents’ health insurance, and parents with chronically sick children won’t have to lose any more sleep worrying about what will become of their babies...

You Can

Oct. 24, 2012 / By
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From The California Endowment..

Salad Days: Becoming A Vegetarian To Remember Grandma

Oct. 23, 2012 / By
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By Andrew LamNew America Media

SAN FRANCISCO — For a period of a month sometime ago I became a vegetarian.

California’s Pickiest Eaters Grade New School Lunches

Oct. 23, 2012 / By
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News Report by Jacob Simas / NAM Youth Wire reporters

Two months into a new school year that saw stricter federal nutrition guidelines go into effect for school meals, youth reporters from New America Media fanned out in high schools across California to interview their peers and check out the view from the lunch line...

Children and Food | The New School for Public Engagement

Oct. 21, 2012 / By
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The Food Studies program at The New School in New York City draws on a range of disciplines to explore the connections between food and the environment, politics, history, and culture...

What Brought Me To The Brink Of Vegetarianism

Oct. 17, 2012 / By
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By Mark Westbrook

Not a pity-inducing documentary, not a love for animals, not for chakras, chi, or chicks (see disclaimer at bottom)...

Pesticides Harm Kids’ Health and Intelligence, Study Finds

Oct. 14, 2012 / By
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New America Media, News Report, Viji Sundaram, Posted: Oct 10, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO – Exposure to pesticides is one key reason why children today are more likely to have a wide range of such diseases and disorders as cancer, autism, birth defects and asthma than children of a generation ago, according a study released yesterday...

Prostate Cancer Hits African American Men Especially Hard

Oct. 14, 2012 / By
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New America Media, News Report, Erin Marcus, Posted: Oct 12, 2012

MIAMI — Marc Henderson, a 63-year-old African-American airport executive here, isn’t afraid to ask his physician to do a blood test for Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), a screening test for prostate cancer...

Long Beach Names New Health Officer

Oct. 7, 2012 / By

LONG BEACH — The new city health officer has been named by the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, city officials announced Friday...

Soda Sucks 2, Anti-ad Campaign, Launches!

Oct. 4, 2012 / By
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By Liz Gonzalez, New America Media

Picture this: Stylish, athletic and beautiful people are dancing in the street to hip-hop beats...

The Other Death Sentence: Aging and Dying in America’s Prisons

Sep. 26, 2012 / By
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New America Media , News Feature, James Ridgeway, Posted: Sep 26, 2012

Photo: The image above is part of a photo essay by documentary photographer Tim Gruber taken at the Kentucky State Reformatory and published by Mother Jones along with a longer version of the following article...

Health Happens In Schools

Sep. 22, 2012 / By
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A forum on parent participation in schools,  academic success and,  positive school environments.

The Building Healthy Communities: Long Beach Schools Work Group will be hosting a forum on schools in Long Beach where we want to hear from parents and youth and their experience: involved in the schools, academic opportunities and the school environment...