A Conversation on Gun Violence

Feb. 23, 2013 / By


We’Ced Merced’s Youth Voice

Gun violence has been a hot topic recently. There are conversations in the mainstream news, in our classrooms and in our homes about the best way to handle access to firearms and how to prevent their use in senseless violence. Here at We’Ced, we had a conversation with our young folks asking them where they’ve been talking about gun violence and how they perceive the gun culture to be here in our hometown. Take a look, you may be surprised by what you read.

Read more at We’Ced


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WeCed Youth Media

Merced and its surrounding areas have always had a vibrant population of young people. Unfortunately, too often there is a disconnect between generations that can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of communication. WeCed's aim through its program and publication is to highlight and empower youth to tell their stories and that of their communities, while providing them with the guidance and skill-building necessary to foster the development of their strongest possible voice.