Staying Active Beats the Blues for Latino Elders

Oct. 25, 2013 / By



WDET News/New America Media, News Feature, Martina Guzman

Photo: Seniors stretch in a fitness class sponsored by Detroit’s Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development. (Martina Guzman/WDET)

DETROIT–We all know how important exercise is. Doctors say 20 minutes a day will make a big difference in your health and dramatically reduce the risk of a whole host of conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and maybe even dementia. But what happens when older adults can no longer drive to a gym or go for a simple walk.

Gabriela Boyd is a very busy senior, at age 75, is a living example how significant exercise and movement is for metropolitan Detroit’s aging population.

As active as she’s ever been, Boyd works for a neighborhood nonprofit, teaches English as a second language to Latinas in Southwest Detroit and gives nutrition classes.

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