Suzan Al-Shammari
Posts by Suzan Al-Shammari:

Youth Breaking The Silence On Depression
About 11 percent of adolescents have a depressive disorder by age 18. VoiceWaves interviewed several young people regarding their own experiences with depression.Long Beach Residents Answer, “Why Vote?”
On Nov. 4 we get to choose who runs our government and what laws we think make the most sense for us. We vote, hoping that our voices get heard.

How The World Cup Brought Residents Together
The World Cup finished this past weekend and soccer fervor has never been stronger.
During the World Cup, cafes and restaurants were packed, people glued to the TV screen as if it were a matter of life or death...

Why Teens Are The Most Stressed Out Age Group
Every day Wilson High School senior Victoria Leigh has a full plate. She gets to school at 7:30 am, attends classes, holds drama club meetings during lunch, continues on with classes and then attends an AP study session in anticipation of an upcoming final exam...

Teens Use Theater to Teach Sex Ed to Peers
When my high school cut its sex education program, my classmates and I decided to take matters in our own hands...

Young & Not Invincible: Health Dept. Responds to Youths’ Statements on Affordable Care Act
One in four young people currently don’t have healthcare, according to a study by the Young Invincibles, a national organization committed to mobilizing and expanding opportunities for young people age 18 to 34...
Teens Staying Up Later for TV & Internet May Suffer Long-Term Consequences
One of the biggest things it seems teens are known for is sleeping, so it might come as a surprise to many to find out that many teens are actually sleep-deprived...

High Schools Students Doubtful About Future Careers
Everyday, Californians struggle to find and keep jobs in today’s languishing economy. For the high school students who are about to make decisions that will impact the rest of their lives, watching their parents, friends and teachers lose their jobs has created a sense of doubt about their future...

Our Community: Building Healthy Communities LB
“Our Community” is a VoiceWaves project and community event being showcased on Aug. 26. Youth reporters were tasked to explore their community through a camera’s lens, each picking one community-based organization to shine a spotlight on...

Long Beach Syrians React to U.S. Intervention
Syria is a beautiful country and many take pride for calling it home. But after the killings, the hurt and the chemical war could it still be home?..

Our Community: Building Healthy Communities, Long Beach
“Our Community” is a VoiceWaves project and community event being showcased on Aug. 26. Youth reporters were tasked to explore their community through a camera’s lens, each picking one community-based organization to shine a spotlight on...

Investing in Our Food: Looking at Local Food Networks
[Ed. Note: On July 18, local residents and leaders came together to discuss community-supported agriculture in Long Beach...
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