COACHELLA – Going to thrift shops is always fun, whether you are looking for something to wear or random knick-knacks...
New America Media, News Report, Asha DuMonthier
The influx of highly skilled, highly educated workers on H1-B visas from Asian countries in the last decade has skewed poverty statistics, according to a new report by the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD)...
South Kern Sol / New America Media, News Report, Erika Hernandez
ARVIN, Calif. — This small town in South Kern County is home to many farmworkers, including young college students eager to make some cash during their summer break...
Profile, Monet Boyd
On the outside, Corey Mason is a regular fellow with long thick hair, which he wears pulled back in a ponytail...
KARLA MARTINEZ/Coachella Uninc
It was not too long ago that I had no idea what the word “autism” meant...
The kNOw Youth Media- Jewel Yang
Once on a hot summer day, my friend asked me a certain question that I found myself pondering...
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