long beach

Students sit at tables, discussing ideas for summer youth programs.

VIDEO: VoiceWaves explains Youth Power Participatory Budgeting

Feb. 10, 2025 / By
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In this video, we introduce you to the participatory budgeting process happening in Long Beach that is empowering youth to decide how to spend city money.

Long Beach’s local 2024 ballot measures, explained

Nov. 4, 2024 / By and
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In this list, we explain the basics to Long Beach Measures HC, JB, and LB, community college Measure AC, and LA County Measure A.
Tents are lined up on the ground in a ditch next to a street in front of sign welcoming people to Long Beach.

VIDEO: Long Beach program and unhoused residents speak on struggles of people experiencing homelessness

Jul. 28, 2021 / By
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In this video, we follow a local community outreach program to learn more about what Long Beach's unhoused residents are experiencing and what they'd like others to know about how they are perceived.
People holding streets march down a street.

After months of organizing by tenants, City Council set to vote on temporarily banning evictions for substantial remodeling

Jul. 6, 2021 / By
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Tenants and advocates have spoken up about a substantial remodeling “loophole” being used by landlords to pursue evictions. A policy to end these evictions is finally up at city council.
Water emits from a faucet.

Want to help conserve water? Here’s why you should, and how you can do so in Long Beach

Apr. 21, 2021 / By

Water conservation can’t be done alone, but you can still make choices to help. Here’s a few ways to do so.
A man with a mask over his mouth poses in front of a tree and holds a sign saying "Food 4 Less enforce mask use."

Long Beach residents continue protesting Kroger as closure of two local stores nears

Apr. 9, 2021 / By
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Both the Food 4 Less in North Long Beach and a Ralphs near the Traffic Circle are set to close April 17.