The pressure on a Black woman to follow widely accepted beauty norms and standards in America is real...
[Ed. Note] No matter who wins on June 3, for the first time since the 1980s in Long Beach the mayor will not be Caucasian...
As a young African American woman, February is an especially important month to me. Because of the consequences of slavery, I do not know much of my own family history...
In November, the California Assembly Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color held a hearing to discuss design of new school system accountability standards, and how they must include measuring outcomes for boys and young men of color...
Movie Review, Monet Boyd
I recently had the privilege of watching the new movie, “12 Years a Slave,” which is based on a memoir by Solomon Northup...
Produced by Ben Novotny
Last February, an all day forum was organized by the African American convening committee to discuss the state of black long beach...