Stress can be a good thing. We usually think about stress in a negative light, but in certain situations, stress can save your life...
New America Media, News Report, Viji Sundaram
Even as the consumption of sugary drinks among young children in California is beginning to decline, a study released today shows a significant spike among adolescents...
The Know Youth Media / New America Media, First Person, Jane Carretero, Posted: Oct 11, 2013
Editor’s Note: Getting fresh produce is a challenge in many of California’s farmworker communities, and so is changing young people’s eating habits...
You never want to be in the situation this young man from Long Beach describes. Get Covered!..
There’s a flood of information about the Affordable Care Act.
Here’s some links to more information:
WebMD Resources for Affordable Care Act Enrollment
Henry J...
An important element of success for the Affordable Care Act rests upon the ability to sign up as many youth as possible in the Marketplaces...
Editor: While both sides of the issue have sometimes inflated claims to back up their arguments, some of the “facts” are just plain wrong...
Perla Flores, 27, knows first-hand what barriers exist for low-income, uninsured immigrants seeking healthcare.
Flores has experienced chronic acid reflux since she was 14-years-old, a condition that causes pain in the esophagus...
The club drug Molly—slang for a form of ecstasy—is linked to four recent deaths. It’s not uncommon to get a ‘bad batch.’..
Read the latest news and information on the Affordable Care Act at New America Media..
With funding from the California Endowment, SEIU-UHW is helping low-income residents of Los Angeles get enrolled in health insurance...
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