JOHNNY FLORES, JR/Coachella Unincorporated
MECCA — Claudia Guevara was recently sworn in as a member of the Mecca Community Council, continuing her family’s tradition of making a difference in the unincorporated community they call home...
At a recent school board meeting, librarians around Sacramento found out some very disturbing news...
By Jennifer Lam
A typical school night for most teens may be made up of sports practice, dinner, homework and maybe a study session...
New America Media invites you to explore the scope of our youth media work via
Letisha White, The kNOw
In a modern society, there are several difficulties. Along with the murders and diseases, obesity ranks as one of the chief problems in today’s communities...
This week on the Youth Radio Podcast, we take a close look at two policies within the juvenile justice system: sentencing and restitution, the practice of making youth offenders pay fines to the state, and to the victims of their crimes...
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