Posts Tagged as "Fresno"

President Visits Fresno to Discuss Drought

Feb. 18, 2014 / By
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On, Friday February 14th, Fresno and the Central Valley hosted a very special guest: the President of the United States...

What Is Art?

Jul. 18, 2013 / By
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The kNOw Youth Media- Jewel Yang

Once on a hot summer day, my friend asked me a certain question that I found myself pondering...

How Young People Can Care For The Environment

Apr. 22, 2013 / By
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As the years progress we hear about more and more environmental disasters caused by humanity’s mistreatment of the planet...

Restorative Justice Rally

Apr. 12, 2013 / By
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Students, parents, teachers and allies addressed Fresno Unified’s school board members during a school discipline workshop on April 10th...

Who Deserves Financial Aid?

Apr. 8, 2013 / By
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For any high school senior, this concluding year is stressful on many interchangeable extremes. One path grasps enough passing credits to graduate, while another path is striving for higher education beyond high school...

Youth Speak: Students Want Discipline That Restores

Mar. 15, 2013 / By
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From Fresno The kNOw

Editor’s Note: Jane Carretero’s letter to the editor of  The Fresno Bee was published on Tuesday, March 12th...

Thousands of Uninsured Flock to Fresno Health Fair

Feb. 18, 2013 / By
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New America Media, Video, Article: Viji Sundaram / Video: Silicon Valley De-Bug, Posted:Feb 17, 2013

Video (above): New America Media conducted exit interviews with attendees at the “WeConnect” health and resource fair in Fresno, California, on Saturday, February 9...

Recent Shooting Near Bullard High School

Feb. 7, 2013 / By
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Reporter, Parker Anderton, describes his experience during a recent shooting near Bullard High School during a basketball game versus Edison High School...

Youth Speak on Gun Control Measures

Jan. 26, 2013 / By
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The kNOw Youth Media, Audio, Miguel Bibanco, Posted: Jan 26, 2013

 Editor’s Note: Last week, President Barack Obama issued proposals, including 23 executive actions, aimed at reducing gun violence and asked for help from lawmakers in making sweeping reform...

Fresno looks at Restorative Justice Programs

Nov. 18, 2012 / By
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By Heather Somerville – The Fresno Bee

In a West Oakland classroom, a group of high school students is reinventing the city...

Workplace Shooting Hits close To Home

Nov. 14, 2012 / By
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This editorial represents the views of the young people in The kNOw and is the result of an editorial discussion on the topic...

The kNOw Youth Travel to Sacramento

Aug. 15, 2012 / By

Miguel Bibanco, Quamir Lindsay, and  Kevin Shelton of The kNOw Youth Media, traveled to the
California State Capitol...